New DUMATHERM® CN available with promotion material

Good news for labs requiring resource-efficient rapid analysis of carbon and nitrogen: New elemental analyzer DUMATHERM® CN is available now.

DUMATHERM® CN works according to common standards, e.g. DIN EN 10694 and DIN EN 16168. It combines all advantages of the proven DUMATHERM® Technology:

  • easy handling
  • rapid system availability
  • low operation costs
  • safe data handling acc. to ISO 17025
  • high sample throughput
  • low maintenance

Especially environmental and agriculture labs are valuable target groups for the promotion of the new elemental analysis system. Check the Partner Portal for the new brochure DUMATHERM® CN available in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. As usual we offer abundant media, such as: potential customer list, photos, product data sheet, instruction manual, quotation text, etc. to support your marketing and sales efforts.


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